Thursday, November 13, 2008

I told you not to

There won't be anything worthwhile to read in this blog. I can almost guarantee it. After all, you don't know who I am, so how can anything I write about have any significance in your life? Oh, wait. 

This is 2008. 

Virtual relationships are sometimes stronger than those in real life. 

I guess I better be careful what I say, then. This isn't the journal I kept tucked under my mattress in 8th grade. This isn't the notebook that I used to scrawl all kinds of nonsense in, only to forget about and leave in a random box of stuff after a move. This is a real, live blog.

Who came up with this concept anyway? Putting down your innermost thoughts, feelings and random cranial babble for the entire world to read? Like most things Internet, I assume it was a scientist using it for legitimate research purposes, only to have it taken over by fourteen year olds with unhealthy interests in vampires and housewives spewing the latest in scrapbooking techniques. (Either that, or it was Al Gore. Guess it depends on whom you ask.)

Well, whomever came up with it, here I am. Flojat. (For those of you wondering, that's pronounced "flow hat." I knew you were all wondering.) Feel free to participate in my blog. But if you don't like what you find, don't blame me. 

After all, I told you not to read it.


Z said...

LOL.. That's awesome Jat.

Mary said...

Welcome to the world of blogging Flo hat. :)

♥ Lovfer♥ said...

I read it anyway! Bwahahahahaha!!!!

Audrey said...

I love you Flojat! And all my friends that read those vampire romance novels.

Anonymous said...

I love what you filed it under. LOL

Shannon said...

Im so glad you are blogging now, flojat. Just another way to stalk you :)

Ro @ Ro is me! said...

Love it, Flojat!

Carly said...

yay for you having a blog!!! and i love the denim look ;)