Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Hail Mary Cycle is in effect

One last try at this the old fashioned way, then on to IVF in a few weeks. It's been so long since I've been in a 2ww, I think I forgot what it felt like!

On a completely unrelated note, did you know that people line up in front of Sam's Club before it opens like they're waiting to get on the newest ride at Disney World? I accidentally showed up 15 minutes before they opened on Sunday and sat my happy butt on a shady bench to wait. I proceeded to watch no fewer than 50 (fifty!) people show up, grab a cart and get in line outside the door.

I've never seen anything like it. Now I know why I don't go shopping on Black Friday.


Anonymous said...

Best of luck on your Hail Mary cycle!!!!!!

Shannon said...

Flojat goes long for the pass.... Sorry, had to keep the football reference going.

Im thinking about you like crazy (that sounds stalkerish but I am and you like it) I hope this is it for you but if not, Im along for the ride as you start IVF.

♥ Lovfer♥ said...

Crossing all my crossables and praying like crazy for your hail mary cycle.

Amy said...

GL this cycle! You're in my T&P's. And that's totally crazy about Sam's Club! I've seen it here too.

Lyse2143 said...

I'm in the 2ww with you. Good luck!!

Carly said...

good luck!!!
and that is weird about sam's club- who would have thought

Lolo said...

Good luck with your Hail Mary cycle! Fingers & toes crossed for you!

Mary said...

I'm praying for you, sweets!!

And, really? Do they think thhey are going to be the only ones to get the deals b/c they are lined up? hmmmmmm

MrsBro... said...

Good luck this cycle!! I'll be thinking of you! :)

PS It's the same at Costco! PPL are CRAYYYY - ZZZEEEEEEE

Sarah said...

If this cycle doesn't work, I have such high hopes for IVF! Either way, something is going to work, cause I'm gonna make it. Hear that Kat's Ute? You're going to get a beat down if you don't cooperate.