Friday, August 7, 2009

Two weeks

I know, I know. It's been two weeks since I've posted, it's Friday, and I have nothing random to say. To keep you from yelling at me, I decided to distract you with a video of a kangaroo riding a unicycle. But then I couldn't find one. So, I'm going to post a few pictures of our recent trip to Hawaii instead.

I promise I'll write more about the trip later. Right now I'm so jetlagged I'd probably forget to tell you about all the good stuff.


Cat said...

I cannot be pacified with pictures when I am looking for both a holiday AND ute update.

But then again, the pictures are very cute.

So pacified I am for now. But still looking for info :)

Mary said...

Ah, you look gorgeous!!

Lyse2143 said...

Love the pics, but I need more pics and more of you! Get some sleep love.

L said...

Love the pictures, Hawaii looks amazing!@

Ro @ Ro is me! said...

Welcome home!

I'm glad you had a good time!

goeckie said...

Can you guys be any cuter?? Welcome back!