Monday, February 1, 2010

Does it come in a maternity size?

Apparently I'm going to need this shirt. 5w6d, two sacs, two heartbeats. It doesn't get any better than this.


Amy said...

AHH! I knew it!! HUGE congrats hun! I am so excited for you!

Banana Pancakes said...

Congratulations!!! :D

Cat said...

OMG! Fantastic! Congrats congrats congrats!

rls07 said...

Kat, I am so excited for you and your H!!!! You are going to be an awesome twin mommy! Congrats!

Shannon said...

and now just another reason for us to get together, our twins MUST meet soon :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats.....doubled! I am beyond happy for you!

Lyse2143 said...

YAY!!! Congrats!!!

Lolo said...

woohoo!!!! Congrats!

Megan said...

stumbled upon your blog and had to say CONGRATS!!! You will be such a great mom!

KJC said...

I've been lurking around your blog for a few months and just wanted to say CONGRATS! Your story is hugely inspiring :)

goeckie said...

SO so so so so great! I'm so excited for you! And yes you surely need a couple of those shirts!

Sarah C said...

a pix of you in that shirt would make it slightly better.

Congrats again babe!!!

gringa78 said...

Whooo-hooo times 2!!!!!!!!!!!